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Can't play football with cash orientaion  

2010-04-23 08:29:55|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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I was over optmistic before the kick-off.  Dongjing is a team under chaos. Obviously their equipment has been downgraded to domestic label. Their forgein players are limited to fill the post only.  I got a talk show programme on air at 4pm,thus my plan was to take a glance and concentrate on my work.

The game started pretty in favor of the Evergrande, a typical 4-4-2 reflects Lee's tactics that he needs a balanced team to impose Canton's  speedy and creative style.  Well the first 20 minutes was amazing as li Yan scored a beautiful lob to put Evergrande in the lead. The mysterious Delani finally made his debut as an attacking midfield to back the attacking duo.  Everything seemed under control.  I remembered clearly that I lost concentration as 2 teams made so many unforced errors under a devastating pictch.  Well I was fully aware of my work more important than watching a low-level game.(sorry to put such harsh comments as I get used to  the attracting Spanis Liga)

I felt chilly in the studio since the aircondition was unreasonably low.  My heart was painful when Dongjing scored the equaliser in the dying minute.  From the replay I sensed 2 problems ,first there was no pressure outside the box which was supposed to be the DM's job,second the keeper lost his nerve while the ball was a bit deflecting.  Spoken with experience the rainy pitch has become a woe for the local because the influx of north players completely changes our football style.  Since Melkam's exit our stability at the back disappeared. I guessed Delani's early subsitution was a sign of discontent by Lee as he was too soft under the current condition. Again Evergrande repeated their mistake in every second half, the physical state varied then some guys had no motivation to fight, simply leaving a lot of space for the rival who easily took the upper hand in body contact.  Dongjng recorded a 3-2 victory by the efficiency and teamwork.  Sometimes the stats means nothing regarding the result.  If every shot in target could cause panic,you can't blame your failure on misfortune.  I am so sick of the terrible defence and more seriously a lack of devotion.  What the hell ! I have been a strong advocate for local culture. I always think local players are scapegoats of the prejudice by Northen coaches.  Look how disgusting you guys show so far.  The way you handle is worse than the so called technically inferior Northen guys.  The clearance is simply long ball, slowly moved,mispositioned and stupid fouls cost us a deserved victory against Zhongbang and an incredible home loss.  Look at the results of Ligue 2, the margin has never been over 2 goals.  At least I have a sense that a very tough compagin features in the season.  On the other hand there were so many fixing matches before.  Now every one put their focus on the pitch rather than friendship in down table deal.  It seems our club is still very naive. If those guys are not qualified as professional, stop talking about the bonus.  You can't play football with a cash -filled backpack.  From now on every game is final countdown.  Stop arguement and play with the heart. My tolerance is very limited.

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